Academic Year 2024-2025
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th January | INSET Day |
Tuesday 7th January | Term starts for children |
Tuesday 4th February | Amazing Animals! Pony Visit |
Tuesday 11th February | Safer Internet Day |
Monday 17th February – Friday 21st February | Half Term |
Tuesday 4th March | Trip to Standalone Farm |
Thursday 6th March | World Book Day |
Thursday 27th March | Mother’s Day Tea |
Friday 4th April | Term Ends |
Summer Term 2025
Tuesday 22nd April | Term Term starts for children |
Wednesday 23rd April | Easter Party |
Monday 26th May – Friday 30th May | Half Term |
Friday 6th June | INSET Day |
Thursday 12th June | Father’s Day |
Week commencing 23rd June | Teddy Bears Picnic |
July (date to be confirmed) | Summer Fun Day! |
Wednesday 9th July | Sports Day |
Friday 18th July | End of Term Party – morning |
Friday 18th July | Graduation – afternoon |
Tuesday 22nd July | Term Ends |
Academic Year 2025-2026
Autumn Term 2025
Wednesday 3rd September | INSET Day |
Thursday 4th September | Term starts for children |
Friday 24th October | INSET Day |
Monday 27th October – Friday 31st October | Half Term |
Friday 28th November | Occasional Day |
Friday 19th December | Term Ends |
Spring Term 2026
Monday 5th January | INSET Day |
Tuesday 6th January | Term starts for children |
Monday 16th February – Friday 20th February | Half Term |
Friday 27th March | Term Ends |
Summer Term 2026
Monday 13th April | Term starts for children |
Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May | Half Term |
Friday 5th June | INSET Day |
Wednesday 22nd July | Term ends for children |
Thursday 23rd July | INSET Day |