Sessions and Fees
Government funded childcare or early years education can be used in any session.
Main sessions – Monday to Friday 9:00 – 12:00 and 12:00 – 15:00
9 months+ £11.45 per hour
2 years+ £19.50 per 3 hour session or £39.00 per 6 hour day
We require the take up of a minimum of 2 sessions a week, in order to help your child settle as this gives them more time to get comfortable with the routine week to week. However, it is important to us that we work directly with you to find the best fit for your little ones so come and talk to us if you have any questions.
We also offer one off session spaces for main sessions (subject to availability). For example, if you have an important event to go to in the morning and need a few hours childcare, or even if you want to get some shopping done without the trauma of buggies, car seats and crying children or just extra time so you don’t need to rush back. Why not get in touch and let us entertain your little one for those few precious hours and you get what needs to be done in peace.
Structure of the day
Everyday (times are approximate)
9:00-9:15 Rolling drop off
9:15-9:30 Good morning time
9:35-11:05 Child Initiated Learning and rolling snack with free flow to outside play
11:20 -11:35 Keyworker group activity
11:35-11:45 Tidy up time
11:45 – 12:00 Story and singing for children going home or Child Initiated Learning/Play for those staying for lunch and the afternoon session
12:00 -12:15 Rolling drop off/start lunch
12:15 – 12:30 Nursery children arrive and lunch continues
12:30-13:00 Child Initiated Learning and with free flow to outside play
13:00 -13:30 Adult led activity and story time
13:30 -14:00 Keyworker group activity
14:00-14:45 Child Initiated Learning and tidy up time
14:45-15:00 Story and singing ready for home time
Children will guide their own learning through interest to which the keyperson will provide activities to develop the child’s learning and development.
Under 2’s will have a routine that is built around them and their needs, containing all elements of the above.