There are several different ways that you can receive assistance with paying for childcare.

All about Funding

The government funds some of the childcare for parents.

Please see the picture below to see what funding you could be entitled to:


What’s not covered by the cost of funding?

Government funding is to deliver your 15 or 30 hours of childcare support.

It does not cover additional hours, activities or extra costs, such as meals. Your provider should provide invoices and receipts that are clear, transparent and itemised to see you have received your child’s free entitlements and understand any fees for additional hours or services.

You may have to pay for, or provide your own:

  • meals
  • other consumables
  • additional hours
  • additional services or activities, like trips

To find out more about how funding works, take a look at Hertfordshire County Council’s Information on Childcare and Early Education or the Childcare Choices website.